Foreign publications

All the King’s Tapestries: Homecomings 2021–1961–1921

All the King’s Tapestries: Homecomings 2021–1961–1921

The catalogue All the King’s Tapestries: Homecomings 2021–1961–1921accompanies the exhibition of the same name on view at Wawel Royal Castle from March 18 through October 31, 2021. The exhibition commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Riga, which sealed Poland’s victory in the Polish-So...
30,00 zł
79,00 zł
Armour for the Young King Sigismund Augustus in the Wawel Royal Castle Collection

Armour for the Young King Sigismund Augustus in the Wawel Ro...

This profusely illustrated volume is the first comprehensive presentation of the suit of armour made for the young King Sigismund Augustus. The work of Jörg Seusenhofer, the armour has been in the collection of Wawel Royal Castle since 2021. The publication comprises an essay by Krzysztof J. Czyżews...
35,00 zł
60,00 zł
Catalogue of the Tapestries of King Sigismund II Augustus

Catalogue of the Tapestries of King Sigismund II Augustus

Vol. 2 of the 3-volume catalogue raisonné The Collection of the Tapestries of King Sigismund II Augustus in the Collection of Wawel Royal CastleThe tapestry collection of Sigismund II Augustus—a symbol of Poland’s golden age under the Jagiellonian dynasty—is not only one of Poland’s national treasur...
70,00 zł
180,00 zł
Die Tapisserien von Sigismund August

Die Tapisserien von Sigismund August

German language version. Sigismund II Augustus’s collection of Flemish tapestries, the largest ever completed as a single commission, was produced in 1550–1560 in Brussels, then the leading tapestry center in Europe. Woven of the finest wool and silk with gold and silver threads, textiles such as th...
15,00 zł
20,00 zł
Eseje o arrasach króla Zygmunta Augusta | Essays on the Tapestries of King Sigismund II Augustus

Eseje o arrasach króla Zygmunta Augusta | Essays on the Tape...

Billingual Publication (Polish/English). Tom III katalogu "Kolekcja arrasów króla Zygmunta Augusta w zbiorach Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu" Eseje o arrasach króla Zygmunta Augusta, pióra znakomitej badaczki arrasów Magdaleny Piwockiej, to III tom trylogii poświęconej królewskim tapiseriom, na którą ...
35,00 zł
90,00 zł
Gli arazzi di Sigismondo Augusto

Gli arazzi di Sigismondo Augusto

Italian language version. Sigismund II Augustus’s collection of Flemish tapestries, the largest ever completed as a single commission, was produced in 1550–1560 in Brussels, then the leading tapestry center in Europe. Woven of the finest wool and silk with gold and silver threads, textiles such as t...
15,00 zł
20,00 zł
Karol Lanckoroński and His Viennese Collection

Karol Lanckoroński and His Viennese Collection

The first such in-depth scholarly account of the celebrated Lanckoroński collection reconstructs, based on archival sources, the holdings scattered and partly destroyed during World War II. The author traces the history of the collection from its inception in 1815 with  the purchase of paintings fro...
90,00 zł
250,00 zł


Rzeźby Pawła Ostrowskiego w ogrodach królewskich | Sculptures by Paweł Orłowski in royal gardens
20,00 zł
35,00 zł
Do koszykaNiedostępny
Lapidarium - broszura

Lapidarium - broszura

Folder towarzyszy wystawie stałej Lapidarium, będącej częścią projektu „Wawel Podziemny”, udostępnionej zwiedzającym 4 stycznia 2024 roku w piwnicach renesansowej rezydencji królewskiej pod wschodnim skrzydłem zamku. 
5,00 zł